How Pearson’s Internal Online Community Connects 36,000 Employees in 70+ Countries

dina-vekariaSix years ago, multinational publishing and education company Pearson transitioned from siloed intranets to an internal online community named Neo. This platform has encouraged active collaboration between their global network of 36,000 employees, spread across more than 70 countries.

When you are talking about such a large, diverse group of employees, part of bringing them together is figuring how to to divide them, to ensure they are connecting with the right people and accomplishing their goals. Pearson community manager Dina Vekaria joins the show to break down these efforts, including:

  • Using gamification without getting in the way of work being done
  • How internal communities help retain employee knowledge – after employees move on
  • Are internal communities the next step in the progression of the intranet?

Big Quotes

“Before [our community], Neo, which was about six years ago, we had over 127 different intranets across the business. Most of our areas within Pearson were working in silos in the UK business. I had no idea how massive Pearson was until Neo came into my life. … Those 127 intranets were shut down, and all that information and that rich content was migrated into Neo so it could be a one-stop shop. When you join Pearson, this is your intranet, this is your community, this is where you ask the questions, this is where you have those conversations, this is where you learn from each other.” -@dinavekaria

“We have people who’ve been here for more than 30 years and all of that amazing knowledge that they have in their heads, once they leave or they retire, that goes with them. And that’s a real shame, because all of that amazing knowledge that they have in their head about those little, little things that you don’t even think about, we actively encourage everyone to share. Not everyone does it, because not everyone uses [our community] in that way, but we try as much as possible to encourage the knowledge of our past and present colleagues, so then our future colleagues will have that information. ” -@dinavekaria

“Before [our community], when we had 127 intranets, all I did was speak to the people next to me in terms of where I was sitting at my desk and my team that was in the UK with me in my office. I didn’t expand my knowledge, I didn’t expand my horizons, in terms of who I could tap into, until we had our Neo community.” -@dinavekaria

About Dina Vekaria

Dina Vekaria has been at Pearson just under 10 years, starting on the assessment team, before moving into customer service. For the last 3+ years, she has been a community manager for Pearson’s internal community, Neo, and external community, Neo Connect. Dina is also an advocate for Jive, the software behind Neo, helping other community managers who are Jive customers, with their questions and requests.

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